

作者: 1林德新, 1李旋, 1张勇, 1夏悦明, 1曾岳岳, 1卓信斌, 1常贵建
1 福建医科大学附属宁德市医院 普外二科,福建 宁德 352100
通讯: 林德新 Email: ldx566@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/.2018.02.006


关键词: 胆结石;肝切除术;围手术期;加速康复外科

Application of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols in liver resection for hepatolithiasis

Authors: 1LIN Dexin, 1LI Xuan, 1ZHANG Yong, 1XIA Yueming, 1ZENG Yueyue, 1ZHUO Xinbin, 1CHANG Guijian
1 The Second Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Ningde Hospital, Fujian Medical University, Ningde, Fujian 352100, China

CorrespondingAuthor:LIN Dexin Email: ldx566@126.com


Objective: To investigate the value of using enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs in liver resection for hepatolithiasis.
Methods: The clinical data of 178 patients undergoing liver resection for hepatolithiasis with ERAS management (ERAS group) from January 2013 to December 2016 and 218 patients undergoing liver resection for hepatolithiasis with conventional perioperative management (conventional group) from January 2009 to December 2012 were retrospectively analyzed. The main clinical variables between the two groups of patients were compared.
Results: In ERAS group compared with conventional group, the recovery of liver function parameters after surgery was faster (partial P<0.05), the length of postoperative hospital stay was significantly shortened, the time to first flatulence was significantly reduced, the postoperative body weight loss was significantly decreased and the total hospitalization cost was significantly reduced (all P<0.05). There were no statistical differences either in incidence of overall postoperative complications or incidence of specific complication between the two group (all P>0.05). No death occurred in either of the groups.
Conclusion: Using ERAS protocol in liver resection for hepatolithiasis is safe and feasible. It can effectively promote the postoperative recovery of the patients, and reduce the length of hospital stay and medical cost.
Keywords: Cholelithiasis; Hepatectomy; Perioperative Period; Enhanced Recovery After Surgery