

作者: 1王伟, 1易小江, 1万进
1 广东省中医院 胃肠外科,广东 广州 510000
通讯: 万进 Email: gdphtcmwanjin@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/.2018.04.001
基金: 广东省中医院院内专项基金资助项目(2018KT1063)。


胃癌在全球恶性肿瘤发病率占据第四位,而其相关的病死率为第2位。手术切除仍是目前治愈胃癌的唯一方法。目前对于进展期胃癌腹主动脉旁淋巴结清扫(PAND)存在着较大争议,JCOG 9501试验结果显示预防性PAND不提倡,治疗性PAND的临床意义还需进一步的临床研究结果。近几年,国内外许多研究者在进展期胃癌PAND方面做了大量研究,研究成果对PAND选择具有重要参考意义。
关键词: 胃肿瘤;淋巴结切除术;临床试验

Clinical significance of para-aortic lymph node dissection in gastric cancer

Authors: 1WANG Wei, 1YI Xiaojiang, 1WAN Jin
1 Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510000, China

CorrespondingAuthor:WAN Jin Email: gdphtcmwanjin@163.com


The incidence of gastric cancer ranks the fourth highest malignant tumor in the world, and the associated mortality rate takes the second place. Surgical resection is still the only curative treatment option for this disease. At present, there is great controversy on the para-aortic lymph node dissection (PAND) for advanced gastric cancer. The results of JCOG 9501 trial showed that preventive PAND is not recommended, but the clinical significance of therapeutic PAND still needs further clinical investigations. In recent years, a large number of studies on PAND in advanced gastric cancer have been done by many researchers at home and abroad, and their achievements have important reference value for the selection of PAND.
Keywords: Stomach Neoplasms; Lymph Node Excision; Clinical Trial