

作者: 1张旋, 1程先硕, 1余昆, 1李云峰
1 云南省肿瘤医院/昆明医科大学第三附属医院 结直肠外科/大肠癌临床研究中心,云南 昆明 650118
通讯: 李云峰 Email: liyunfeng@medmail.com.cn
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2017.04.018


关键词: 直肠肿瘤 放化疗,辅助 观察性等待 综述文献

"Wait-and-see": a new treatment strategy for rectal cancer with complete response after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy

Authors: 1ZHANG Xuan, 1CHENG Xianshuo, 1YU Kun, 1LI Yunfeng
1 Department of Colorectal Cancer Surgery/Clinical Research Center of Colorectal Cancer, Yunnan Cancer Hospital/the Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650118, China

CorrespondingAuthor:LI Yunfeng Email: liyunfeng@medmail.com.cn


Undoubtedly, the treatment strategies for patients with rectal cancer especially for those with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) have changed dramatically. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (NCRT) combined with total mesorectal excision (TME) has been regarded as the gold standard treatment for LARC. NCRT can not only reduce tumor volume, downstage tumor grade and increase sphincter preservation rate, but also allow some patients to achieve a clinical even pathologic complete response. However, the radical surgery may cause great surgical trauma, multiple complications and lifelong suffering of permanent colostomy. So, whether radical surgery can be avoided by instead applying non-surgical “wait-and-see” approach in patients with complete response has become a top-level strategic issue for colorectal surgeons in recent years. Here, the authors address the definition, characteristics, evolution and research status of the “wait-and-see” strategy with some considerations for future prospects of this new strategy.