

作者: 1曾嘉, 1梅世文, 1邹博远, 1吕雪琰, 2李铁钢
1 北京大学国际医院 普通外科,北京 102206
2 中南大学湘雅二医院 普通外科,湖南 长沙 410011
通讯: 曾嘉 Email: zengjia@pkuih.edu.cn
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2017.06.020


关键词: 消化系统肿瘤 光动力疗法 综述文献

Photodynamic therapy for gastrointestinal cancers and its progress

Authors: 1ZENG Jia, 1MEI Shiwen, 1ZOU Boyuan, 1LU Xueyan, 2LI Tiegang
1 Department of General Surgery, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing 102206, China
2 Department of General Surgery, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410011, China

CorrespondingAuthor:ZENG Jia Email: zengjia@pkuih.edu.cn


Photodynamic therapy is a newly emerging treatment modality against cancer, which has high selectivity and less toxicity compared with traditional treatment modalities. At present, photodynamic therapy has been used to treat several types of gastrointestinal cancers such as gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and squamous cell anal cancer, and shown significant efficacy in some patients. However, there is a lack of large randomized controlled trials. Here, the authors review the studies on photodynamic therapy for gastrointestinal cancers conducted at home and abroad in recent years, so as to provide support for both basic research and clinical practice.