
血清高尔基体蛋白 73 对乙型肝炎病毒相关性肝癌诊断价值 的 Meta 分析

作者: 1肖扬, 1陈能志
1 南华大学附属常德医院 普通外科,湖南 常德 415000
通讯: 陈能志 Email: CNZ01@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/.2018.07.008
基金: 湖南省常德市科技局技术研究与开发资金资助项目(2016KZ01)。


目的:探讨血清高尔基体蛋白 73(GP73)对乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)相关性肝癌的诊断价值。
方法:计算机系统性检索国内外公开发表的相关文献。采用 Meta-Disc1.4 软件汇总诊断准确性指标,计算综合受试者工作特征曲线(SROC)、曲线下面积(AUC)和 Q* 指数。采用 Stata 14.0 软件计算验后概率,并绘制 Fagan 图来评估 GP73 的临床应用价值。
结果:最终纳入 14 篇文献,总样本量为 3 953 例。血清 GP73 诊断 HBV 相关性肝癌的总敏感度为0.70(95% CI=0.68~0.73), 总 特 异 度 为 0.75(95% CI=0.73~0.77), 总 阳 性 似 然 比 为 3.37(95% CI= 2.75~4.13), 总阴性似然比为 0.36(95% CI=0.29~0.45), 诊断比值比(DOR)为 9.67(95% CI= 6.72~13.91),AUC 和 Q* 指数分别为 0.826 和 0.759。当设定验前概率为 50% 时,阳性、阴性 GP73的验后概率分别为 78% 和 26%。
结论:血清 GP73 对 HBV 相关性肝癌有一定的诊断意义,但其单独应用于确诊或排除该病的价值有限,尚需结合其他检查。
关键词: 癌,肝细胞;乙型肝炎病;生物标记,肿瘤;Meta 分析

Diagnostic value of serum Golgi protein 73 for HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma: a Meta-analysis

Authors: 1Yang XIAO, 1Nengzhi CHEN
1 Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Changde Hospital, University of South China, Changde, Hunan 415000, China

CorrespondingAuthor:Nengzhi CHEN Email: CNZ01@126.com


Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of serum Golgi protein 73 (GP73) in hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Methods: A computer-based systematic search of publically published literature of relevant studies in China and abroad was performed. Th e indexes for diagnostic accuracy were pooled, and the area under carve (AUC) of the summary receiver operating characteristic carve (SROC) and Q* index were calculated by using Meta-Disc1.4 soft ware. Th e post-test probability was calculated, and Fagan’s nomograms were drawn to assess the application value of GP73 by using Stata 14.0 soft ware.
Results: A total of 14 studies were finally included, with a total sample size of 3 953 subjects. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of GP73 in diagnosis of HBV-related HCC were 0.70 (95% CI=0.68 0.73) and 0.75 (95% CI=0.73–0.77) respectively, and the pooled positive likelihood ratio and negative likelihood ratio were 3.37 (95% CI=2.75–4.13) and 0.36 (95% CI=0.29 0.45), respectively. The summary diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) was 9.67 (95% CI=6.72–13.91), and the AUC and Q* index were 0.826 and 0.759, respectively. For a pre-test probability of 50%, the post-test probabilities for positive and negative test of GP73 were 78% and 26%, respectively. Conclusion: GP73 has certain value in diagnosis of HBV-related HCC, but the value of its lone use for confirmation or exclusion of this disease is limited and other combined examinations are required.
Keywords: Carcinoma Hepatocellular; Hepatitis B virus; Biomarkers Tumor; Meta-Analysis