

作者: 1晏益核, 1黄玉斌, 1蔡小勇
1 广西医科大学微创外科中心/第二附属医院 普通外科,广西 南宁 530007
通讯: 晏益核 Email: yiheyan@hotmail.com
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2017.02.019
基金: 广西医科大学青年科学基金资助项目, GXMUYSF201508


关键词: 胆管肿瘤 Klatskin肿瘤 外科手术 综述文献

Current status in surgical management of hilar holangiocarcinoma

Authors: 1YAN Yihe, 1HUANG Yubin, 1CAI Xiaoyong
1 Department of General Surgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital/Minimally Invasive Surgery Center, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530007, China

CorrespondingAuthor:YAN Yihe Email: yiheyan@hotmail.com


Although the prevalence of hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HC) is relatively low, it is associated with dismal prognosis, and surgical resection remains the only curative treatment for this condition. Over more than half a century, considerable achievements have been made in surgical treatment of HC, meanwhile, the accompanied controversies still exist. The authors, in this paper, discuss the issues concerning the preoperative staging and management, and surgical resection scope, combined vascular resection with reconstruction, number and scope of lymph node dissection, laparoscopic procedure and liver transplantation for HC, so as to provide helpful guidance for surgical management of HC.