

作者: 1,3胡祖超, 1扶小华, 2戴东
1 广东医学院研究生院,广东 湛江 524023
2 广东医学院附属医院 肝胆外科,广东 湛江 524001
3 湖北省丹江口市汉江医院 外二科, 湖北 丹江口 442700
通讯: 戴东 Email: daidong2008@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2015.07.022


肝纤维化是肝内弥漫性纤维组织沉积,是多种慢性肝损伤的共同后果,持续发展则成为肝硬化甚至肝癌。肝星状细胞(HSC)的活化使细胞外基质(ECM)的产生与降解不平衡,是导致肝纤维化发生发展的重要环节。氧化应激反应与肝脏的纤维化密切相关,作为一种重要的机制参与到HSC 的活化和ECM的沉积,因此,抗氧化剂作为一种重要的治疗肝纤维化药物成为研究热点。笔者就近几年抗氧化剂治疗肝纤维化的研究进展进行综述。
关键词: 肝硬化 氧化性应激 抗氧化剂 综述文献

Progress of antioxidants in the treatment of hepatic fibrosis

Authors: 1,3HU Zuchao, 1FU Xiaohua, 2DAI Dong
1 Graduate School, Guangdong Medical College, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524023, China
2 Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the Affiliated Hospital, Guangdong Medical College, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524001, China
3 The Second Department of Surgery, Danjiangkou Hospital, Danjiangkou, Hubei 442700, China

CorrespondingAuthor:DAI Dong Email: daidong2008@126.com


Liver fibrosis characterized by excessive deposition of collagenous tissue in the liver, is the consequence of chronic liver injury of different etiologies, and may even progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Activation of the hepatic stellate cells (HSC) resulting in an imbalance between production and degeneration of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important part in the occurrence and development of liver fibrosis. Oxidative stress response as one of the important mechanisms participating in the HSC activation and ECM deposition is closely related to liver fibrosis, so using antioxidant agents for management of liver fibrosis have become the focus of interest. In this article, the authors address the recent development in antioxidant therapy for liver fibrosis.