

作者: 1林天生, 1陈博滔, 1孙维佳
1 中南大学湘雅医院 胆道胰腺外科,湖南 长沙410008
通讯: 孙维佳 Email: sunweijia2009@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2015.03.022
基金: 国家自然科学基金资助项目, 81372464


随着快速康复外科理念的推广,其在胰十二指肠切除术(PD)也已广泛运用。笔者主要对快速康复外 科理念在PD 中的应用进行阐述,并对存在的一些争论进行讨论。
关键词: 胰十二指肠切除术 临床路径 围手术期医护 综述文献

Use of enhanced recovery in perioperative care of panceaticoduodenectomy

Authors: 1LIN Tiansheng, 1CHEN Botao, 1SUN Weijia
1 Department of Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha 410008, China

CorrespondingAuthor:SUN Weijia Email: sunweijia2009@126.com


With the extension of the enhanced recovery concept, it has also been widely used in pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). This review mainly addresses the application of enhanced recovery concept in PD, and also discusses some controversial issues.