

作者: 1黄子健, 1霍景山
1 广州中医药大学附属佛山中医院 外一科,广东 佛山 528000
通讯: 霍景山 Email: huojingshan@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2016.06.024
基金: 广东省中医药管理局立项课题, 20151102


关键词: 静脉血栓形成 临床实验室技术 综述文献

Research progress in early test indexes of deep venous thrombosis

Authors: 1HUANG Zijian, 1HUO Jingshan
1 The First Department of Surgery, Foshan Hospital of TCM, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Foshan, Guangdong 528000, China

CorrespondingAuthor:HUO Jingshan Email: huojingshan@163.com


Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) depends on imaging examination, but imaging examination has a time lag for disease diagnosis. Laboratory test indexes have important value in early detection and helping in the diagnosis of DVT. Since there are a wide variety of test indexes for DVT with different standards in clinical practice, the authors in this article, based on literature review, address some test indexes that include D-dimer, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, VEGF and Slit2 protein, intending to look for highly sensitive and specific test indexes for providing valuable information to assist clinical decision making in diagnosis and treatment of DVT.