

作者: 1孟庆东, 1边学海, 1孙辉
1 吉林大学中日联谊医院 甲状腺外科/吉林省外科转化医学重点实验室,吉林 长春130033
通讯: 孙辉 Email: sunhui1229@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2016.11.020


关键词: 甲状腺肿瘤/诊断 甲状腺肿瘤/治疗 癌,乳头状 综述文献

Diagnosis and treatment of multifocal papillary thyroid carcinoma: recent progress

Authors: 1MENG Qingdong, 1BIAN Xuehai, 1SUN Hui
1 Department of Thyroid Surgery, China-Japan Union Hospital, Jilin University; Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Surgical Translational Medicine, Changchun 130033, China

CorrespondingAuthor:SUN Hui Email: sunhui1229@163.com


Multiple foci are important clinical characteristics in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). In recent years, with the increasing elaboration in diagnosis and treatment modalities for PTC, the diagnosis and treatment modalities will certainly be different between multiple focal PTC and the single focal PTC. To date, the investigations in multifocal PTC (MPTC) are still in progress at home and abroad. Here, the authors address MPTC in respects of the origin of disease, clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment.