累及股总动脉的复杂外周动脉病变杂交手术: 技术与效果
Hybrid procedures for complex peripheral arterial disease involving common femoral artery: techniques and efficacy
专题研究(Monographic Study)
Endovascular repair of proximal descending aortic disease with insufficient proximal landing zone in patients with concomitant severe coronary heart disease
杂交或腔内修复术治疗B型主动脉夹层合并迷走锁骨下动脉 伴Kommerell憩室的疗效分析
Efficacy analysis of hybrid procedures or endovascular repair for type B aortic dissection with aberrant subclavian artery and Kommerell's diverticulum
亚急性期Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内隔绝术后 主动脉重塑的特点及影响因素
Features of aortic remodeling in Stanford type B subacute aortic dissection after thoracic endovascular aortic repair and the influential factors
手术治疗老年Stanford A型急性主动脉夹层的近期和远期疗效分析
Analysis of short- and long-term efficacy of surgical treatment for Stanford type A acute aortic dissection in elderly patients
临床研究(Clinical Research)
Application of AngioJet in treatment of lower extremity arterial thromboembolic disease
Short-term efficacy of combined pharmacological and mechanical thrombectomy in treatment of acute left iliacofemoral vein thrombosis
简要论著(Brief Articles)
Analysis of clinical efficacy of aotic EVAR treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm
Ultrasonic determination of normal value of proportional distribution of aortic blood flow in Chinese youths
腹腔镜与开腹胃癌根治术的临床疗效和对肿瘤微转移 及胃肠激素水平的影响
Clinical therapeutic effect of laparoscopic and laparotomy radical resection of gastric cancer and the influence on tumor micrometastasis and level of gastrointestinal hormones