2017 年第 26 卷第 12 期: 中国普通外科杂志

专题研究(Monographic Study)

Endovascular repair of proximal descending aortic disease with insufficient proximal landing zone in patients with concomitant severe coronary heart disease
罗明尧, 朱梦依, 方坤, 陈祖君, 吕滨, 孙晓刚, 侯志辉, 欧阳晨曦, 魏以桢, 舒畅
LUO Mingyao, ZHU Mengyi, FANG Kun, CHEN Zujun, LU Bin, SUN Xiaogang, HOU Zhihui, OUYANG Chenxi, WEI Yizhen, SHU Chang
杂交或腔内修复术治疗B型主动脉夹层合并迷走锁骨下动脉 伴Kommerell憩室的疗效分析
Efficacy analysis of hybrid procedures or endovascular repair for type B aortic dissection with aberrant subclavian artery and Kommerell's diverticulum
承文龙, 原野, 卢辉俊
CHENG Wenlong, YUAN Ye, LU Huijun
亚急性期Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内隔绝术后 主动脉重塑的特点及影响因素
Features of aortic remodeling in Stanford type B subacute aortic dissection after thoracic endovascular aortic repair and the influential factors
饶从亮, 胡何节, 王晓天, 方征东, 孙小杰, 葛新宝, 程灿
RAO Congliang, HU Hejie, WANG Xiaotian, FANG Zhengdong, SUN Xiaojie, GE Xinbao, CHENG Can
手术治疗老年Stanford A型急性主动脉夹层的近期和远期疗效分析
Analysis of short- and long-term efficacy of surgical treatment for Stanford type A acute aortic dissection in elderly patients
陆政日, 法宪恩, 王宏山
Zhengri LU, FA Xianen, WANG Hongshan
Efficacy observation of using preclose technique in endovascular exclusion of type B aortic dissection
陈卢峰, 蔡旭东
CHEN Lufeng, CAI Xudong
ROCKI/II在转化生长因子β1诱导的主动脉平滑肌细胞 表型转化中的作用
Effects of ROCKI/II on phenotype switch in aortic vascular smooth muscle cells induced by TGF-β1
汪海波, 高旭辉, 朱健, 郗二平, 张瑜, 王正, 刘子豪, 谢彪, 朱水波
WANG Haibo, GAO Xuhui, ZHU Jian, XI Erping, ZHANG Yu, WANG Zheng, LIU Zihao, XIE Biao, ZHU Shuibo

简要论著(Brief Articles)

Analysis of clinical efficacy of aotic EVAR treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm
兰勇, 王征, 李大军, 李拥军, 李鹏, 谭树平, 王吉阳, 刁永鹏
LAN Yong, WANG Zheng, LI Dajun, LI Yongjun, LI Peng, TAN Shuping, WANG Jiyang, DIAO Yongpeng
Ultrasonic determination of normal value of proportional distribution of aortic blood flow in Chinese youths
董会武, 陈端端, 熊江
DONG Huiwu, CHEN Duanduan, XIONG Jiang
腹腔镜与开腹胃癌根治术的临床疗效和对肿瘤微转移 及胃肠激素水平的影响
Clinical therapeutic effect of laparoscopic and laparotomy radical resection of gastric cancer and the influence on tumor micrometastasis and level of gastrointestinal hormones
刘晓, 韩朝阳, 王银中, 苏威强, 唐照鹏
LIU Xiao, HAN Chaoyang, WANG Yinzhong, SU Weiqiang, TANG Zhaopeng
Expression of Beclin-1 and PTEN protein in thyroid cancer and the significance
黄敏, 倪庆峰
HUANG Min, NI Qingfeng
主动脉腔内隔绝术治疗DeBakey III型主动脉夹层动脉瘤: 附63例报告
Aortic endovascular graft exclusion treatment of DeBakey type III aortic dissection aneurysm: a report of 63 cases
云跃, 任补元
YUN Yue, REN Buyuan