

作者: 1王宇, 1史荣亮, 1孙团起, 1向俊, 1王玉龙
1 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院 头颈外科/复旦大学上海医学院 肿瘤学系,上海 200032
通讯: 王宇 Email: neck130@hotmail.com
DOI: 10.3978/.2018.05.001
基金: 上海市科委西医引导资助项目(14411962402、16411966700);上海市卫计委资助项目(201640147);上海申康适宜技术联合开发推广应用资助项目(SHDC12016208)。


关键词: 甲状腺切除术;内窥镜;机器人手术

Application options of endoscopic techniques in thyroid surgery

Authors: 1WANG Yu, 1SHI Rongliang, 1SUN Tuanqi, 1XIANG Jun, 1WANG Yulong
1 Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Shanghai Cancer Hospital, Fudan University/Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China

CorrespondingAuthor:WANG Yu Email: neck130@hotmail.com


With the development of endoscopic techniques and perfection of surgical skills in thyroid surgery, endoscopic approaches have been increasingly used in thyroid surgery. However, the indications and appropriate selection of the endoscopic procedures for endoscopic thyroid surgery are still controversial in practical application. There is no doubt that endoscopic techniques offer benefits for the thyroid patients, but the strict adherence to indications, standardized treatment strategies, strong surgical skills and individualized treatment to a specific patient are still of great importance.
Keywords: Thyroidectomy; Endoscopes; Robotic Surgical Procedures