

作者: 1黄斯诚, 2黄湘秦, 1孙维佳
1 中南大学湘雅医院 普通外科,湖南 长沙 410008
2 中南大学湘雅医学院,湖南 长沙 410013
通讯: 黄斯诚 Email: 1234567@qq.com
黄湘秦 Email: 123@qq.com
孙维佳 Email: sunweijia2009@126.com
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2017.03.015


胰腺假性囊肿(PPC)多由急慢性胰腺炎症和胰腺外伤等引起的局部并发症,胰液和胰酶外漏聚集在胰周脏器间,并由其刺激产生不含上皮细胞的纤维和肉芽组织构成囊壁。不合并感染、无症状、直径在6 cm以内的PPC多可经过饮食控制、营养支持和药物等保守治疗,但外科手术仍然是主要的治疗措施。近年来高分辨率影像设备及由其引导的介入技术的广泛发展应用,使其诊断的准确率提高,治疗方法突破原有的开放式手术而更趋多样化,疗效和安全性也得以提高。笔者结合近年文献对PPC的研究进展作一综述。
关键词: 胰腺假囊肿/诊断 胰腺假囊肿/治疗 综述文献

Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic pseudocyst: recent progress

Authors: 1HUANG Sicheng, 2HUANG Xiangqin, 1SUN Weijia
1 Department of General Surgery, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, China
2 Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, Changsha 410013, China

CorrespondingAuthor:HUANG Sicheng Email: 1234567@qq.com


Most pancreatic pseudocysts (PPCs) are local complications after acute or chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic trauma, and are collections of leaked pancreatic fluids and enzymes gathering in the adjacent pancreatic space and enclosed by a wall of fibrous and granulation tissue with no epithelium lining. Although the sterile, asymptomatic and small (<6 cm) PPCs usually can be treated conservatively by diet control, nutritional support and medication, surgical treatments are still the main solution. With the development and wide application of the high resolution imaging devices as well as the interventional procedures guided by the former, the diagnostic accuracy of pancreatic pseudocysts has been improved, the treatment methods have evolved from open surgery to diversification strategies, and the treatment efficacy and safety have been raised in recent years. In this paper, the authors address the research progress of PPCs based on recent literature review.