

作者: 1郭伟, 1卫任
1 中国人民解放军总医院 血管外科,北京 100853
通讯: 郭伟 Email: Pla301dml@vip.sina.com
DOI: 10.3978/.10.3978/j.issn.1005-6947.2016.06.001


关键词: 外周动脉疾病 下肢 药物涂层球囊 循证医学

Drug-coated balloon for peripheral artery diseases: current evidence-based data

Authors: 1GUO Wei, 1WEI Ren
1 Department of Vascular Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China

CorrespondingAuthor:GUO Wei Email: Pla301dml@vip.sina.com


Drug-coated balloon (DCB) provides a new treatment strategy for peripheral artery diseases (PAD) and its effectiveness has been tested in several controlled studies in different countries, most of which focused on its use in femoropopliteal leisons. Compared with uncoated balloon, DCB can reduce late lumen loss and restenosis of femoropopliteal TASC-A/B lesions at 6 months and even 1 year after operation and decrease the re-intervention rate, but there is a lack of its mid- and long-term follow-up results as well as its efficacy for TASC-C/D lesions. Studies on using DCB in treatment of infra-popliteal diseases are relatively scarce, in which even more unfortunately, the results are not consistent with each other in terms of comparison between DCB and uncoated balloon. Thus, more high-quality well-controlled studies are urgently needed to answer these questions.