2016 年第 25 卷第 9 期

专题研究(Monographic Study)

Expression of insulin-like growth factor mRNA binding protein 3 in pancreatic cancer and its significance
蒋美萍, 鞠云鹤
JIANG Meiping, JU Yunhe
Prognostic factors for adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater after pancreaticoduodenectomy
黄秀芸, 王向阳, 杨瑜明, 吴明浩, 刘展
HUANG Xiuyun, WANG Xiangyang, YANG Yuming, WU Minghao, LIU Zhan
Efficacy analysis of local resection of the body and tail of the pancreas combined with vascular resection and reconstruction for advanced pancreatic cancer
黄江, 白利杰, 张生军, 张晓荣
HUANG Jiang, BAI Lijie, ZHANG Shengjun, ZHANG Xiaorong
Safety and efficacy of nanoknife ablation for locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer
刘少朋, 李晓勇, 程冰冰
LIU Shaopeng, LI Xiaoyong, CHENG Bingbing
Radical pancreatic resection combined with vascular resection and reconstruction: a report of 12 cases
匡天佐, 袁荣发, 胡昌昌, 张福杨, 朱鸿超, 黄明文
KUANG Tianzuo, YUAN Rongfa, HU Changchang, ZHANG Fuyang, ZHU Hongchao, HUANG Mingwen
SHH protein expression in pancreatic cancer tissue and its clinical significance
林松挺, 陈正义, 钟文洲
LIN Songting, CHEN Zhengyi, ZHONG Wenzhou

临床研究(Clinical Research)

Comparison of different treatment methods for severe acute pancreatitis with massive peripancreatic fluid collections
洪磊, 项和平
HONG Lei, XIANG Heping
Endovascular therapy of deep venous thrombosis induced by Cockett's syndrome: a report of 27 cases
李振振, 肖占祥, 李灼日, 曾昭凡, 吴鸿飞, 张文波
LI Zhenzhen, XIAO Zhanxiang, LI Zhuori, ZENG Zhaofan, WU Hongfei, Zhang Wenbo
Staged sequential minimally invasive approach for acute biliary pancreatitis: a report of 112 cases
李军, 谢江, 廖作富, 余阳, 陈中浩
LI Jun, XIE Jiang, LIAO Zuofu, YU Yang, CHEN Zhonghao
Value of drain fluid amylase level obtained on the first postoperative day in prediction of pancreatic fistula
成冬冬, 刘宁, 吴照东
CHENG Dongdong, LIU Ning, WU Zhaodong
Comparison of three different methods for hepatic inflow occlusion in laparoscopic left lateral hepatic lobectomy
夏志超, 曾仲, 夏仁品, 杨世昆, 黄汉飞, 徐王刚, 林杰, 段键
XIA Zhichao, ZENG Zhong, XIA Renpin, YANG Shikun, HUANG Hanfei, XU Wanggang, LIN Jie, DUAN Jian
Alterations in peripheral blood levels of NGAL and ghrelin in patients with acute pancreatitis and their significance
安东, 徐磊
AN Dong, XU Lei
Surgical treatment strategies for wall-off pancreatic necrosis with multi-drug resistant organism infections
申鼎成, 周书毅, 黄耿文, 亢浩
SHEN Dingcheng, ZHOU Shuyi, HUANG Gengwen, KANG Hao
Central hepatocellular carcinoma resection via separation of middle hepatic fissure: a report of one case and review of literature
袁荣发, 雷钧, 邬林泉, 邵江华
YUAN Rongfa, LEI Jun, WU Linquan, SHAO Jianghua
Surgical treatment of biliary duct diseases in acute biliary pancreatitis
朱永吉, 谢坤, 赵义军, 孙昀, 黄帆, 耿小平
ZHU Yongji, XIE Kun, ZHAO Yijun, SUN Yun, HUANG Fan, GENG Xiaoping