2015 年第 24 卷第 5 期

甲状腺肿瘤专题研究(Monographic Study of Thyroid Surgery)

Application of carbon nanoparticle tracer in radical neck dissection for thyroid cancer
段绪伟, 李真龙, 许坚
DUAN Xuwei, LI Zhenlong, XU Jian
碘131 配合选择性颈淋巴结清除术对甲状腺癌的疗效及唾液腺功能的影响
Concomitant I131 therapy following selective neck dissection for thyroid cancer: efficacy and influence on salivary gland function
袁宏钧, 仲妙春, 张静霞
YUAN Hongjun, ZHONG Miaochun, ZHANG Jingxia
预防性颈中央区淋巴结清扫对cN0 分化型甲状腺癌分期与复发危险度分层的意义
Significance of prophylactic central lymph node dissection in tumor stage classification and risk stratification of recurrence for cN0 differentiated thyroid carcinoma
林晓东, 陈晓意, 黄宝骏, 杜嘉林, 赵刚, 彭林, 刘全芳, 黄毅捷, 阴英, 陈政波, 吴泽宇
LIN Xiaodong, CHEN Xiaoyi, HUANG Baojun, DU Jialin, ZHAO Gang, PENG Lin, LIU Quanfang, HUANG Yijie, YIN Ying, CHEN Zhengbo, WU Zeyu
经口腔前庭腔镜NOTES 手术治疗甲状腺良性病变:附6 例报告
Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic (NOTES) surgery through oral vestibule for benign thyroid disease: a report of 6 cases
丁波泥, 李小荣, 官笑梅, 杨开焰, 胡桂, 卢若煌
DING Boni, LI Xiaorong, GUAN Xiaomei, YANG Kaiyan, HU Gui, LU Ruohuang
分化型甲状腺微小癌的诊断和治疗:附138 例报道
Diagnosis and treatment of differentiated thyroid microcarcinoma: a report of 138 cases
吴唯, 钱立元, 陈学东, 丁波泥, 吴君辉
WU Wei, QIAN Liyuan, CHEN Xuedong, DING Boni, WU Junhui

乳腺肿瘤专题研究(Monographic Study of Breast Tumors)

Relations of levels of endogenous sex hormones and blood lipids with breast cancer in postmenopausal women
缺氧诱导因子1α 对男性乳腺肿瘤诊断价值的Meta 分析
Meta-analysis of diagnostic value of hypoxia- inducible factor-1α detection for male breast cancer
严峻锋, 沈海鹏, 张韵, 金涛波, 管鸣
YAN Junfeng, SHEN Haipeng, ZHANG Yun, JIN Taobo, GUAN Ming
乳腺癌术后乳房延迟即刻重建临床效果分析:附100 例报告
Clinical effect of delayed-immediate reconstruction after radical mastectomy: a report of 100 cases
张海林, 茅枫, 王学晶, 白明, 王晓军
ZHANG Hailin, MAO Feng, WANG Xuejing, BAI Ming, WANG Xiaojun
常规处理方案联合铜绿假单胞菌制剂治疗乳腺癌疗效的Meta 分析
Efficacy of conventional therapy combined with use of pseudomonas aeruginosa preparation for treatment of breast cancer: a Meta-analysis
郭智慧, 罗道蕴, 周庆, 杨志明
GUO Zhihui, LUO Daoyun, ZHOU Qing, YANG Zhiming
Application of indocyanine green fluorescence navigation in sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer
郭文斌, 高伟, 刘金涛, 葛述科, 孔辉, 孙琳琳, 郭嘉嘉, 王殊
GUO Wenbin, GAO Wei, LIU Jintao, GE Shuke, KONG Hui, SUN Linlin, GUO Jiajia, WANG Shu
Resection of large benign breast tumor with ultrasound-guided Mammotome revolve device
杨波, 唐诗, 袁月欢, 吴玲, 任双丽
YANG Bo, TANG Shi, YUAN Yuehuan, WU Ling, REN shuangli
超声引导下麦默通真空辅助抽吸旋切系统在乳腺肿物诊治中的应用:附1 157 例报告
Application of ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted Mammotome system in diagnosis and treatment of breast masses: a report of 1 157 cases
董华英, 汤鹏, 钟晓捷, 王伟, 吴诚义
DONG Huaying, TANG Peng, ZHONG Xiaojie, WANG Wei, WU Chengyi
乳晕下与肿瘤周围注射示踪剂定位乳腺癌前哨淋巴结的Meta 分析
Subareolar versus peritumoral tracer injection for location of sentinel lymph node in breast carcinoma: a Meta-analysis
付明刚, 刘莎, 郭丽英
FU Minggang, LIU Sha, GUO Liying

基础研究(Basic Research)

乳腺癌循环miRNA 生物标志物的筛选及验证
Screening and verification of circulating miRNA biomarkers of breast cancer
杨浚沨, 王龙强, 李海, 钟源, 江学庆
YANG Junfeng, WANG Longqiang, LI Hai, ZHONG Yuan, JIANG Xueqing
NuSAP 在乳腺癌中的表达及临床意义
NuSAP expression in breast carcinoma and its clinical significance
何敢, 喻嫦娥, 吴海滨, 颜泽铭, 李贤勇, 黄胜超, 张远起, 李建文
HE Gan, YU Chang'e, WU Haibin, YAN Zeming, LI Xianyong, HUANG Shengchao, ZHANG Yuanqi, LI Jianwen
乳腺癌患者CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ 调节性T 细胞的变化及意义
Alteration of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulartory T cells in breast cancer patients and its significance
吴志懂, 覃俊仕, 罗汉传, 吴瑞正, 滕奔宇
WU Zhidong, QIN Junshi, LUO Hanchuan, WU Ruizheng, TENG Benyu
热诱导对8HSE 修饰的hTERT 启动子转录活性的增强作用
Enhancing effect of thermal induction on transcriptional activity of 8HSE modified hTERT promoter
王孝珑, 贺赛, 孙学军, 周培华, 郑见宝, 魏光兵, 崔飞博, 肖宁, 张立, 禄韶英
WANG Xiaolong, HE Sai, SUN Xuejun, ZHOU Peihua, ZHEN Jianbao, WEI Guangbing, CUI Feibo, XIAO Ning, ZHANG Li, LU Shaoying
基底细胞样乳腺癌中HIF-1α 及Glut-1 的表达及意义
Expression and significance of HIF-1α and Glut-1 in basal-like breast carcinoma
周炳娟, 陈红, 马秋双, 张金库, 张楠, 肖士卿, 王国茹, 马红普
ZHOU Bingjuan, CHEN Hong, MA Qiushuang, ZHANG Jinku, ZHANG Nan, XIAO Shiqing, WANG Guoru, MA Hongpu

临床报道(Clinical Report)

Intraoperative identification and in situ protection of parathyroid glands during total thyroidectomy
男性乳腺癌16 例临床资料分析
Analysis of clinical data of 16 cases of male breast cancer
邱云峰, 杜琪威, 杨维良
QIU Yunfeng, DU Qiwei, YANG Weiliang
Damage control surgery in the treatment of critically ill patients with intestinal air fistula after abdominal trauma
Protective effect of exposure of recurrent laryngeal nerve to avoid its injury in high-risk thyroid surgery
Clinical effects of lymphatic tracer in dissection of central lymph nodes and total thyroidectomy
陈树环, 吴志宇
CHEN Shuhuan, WU Zhiyu
Application of absorbable gelatin sponge in the prevention of postoperative axillary lymphorrhagia of breast cancer patients
张彦武, 李庆辉, 严文君, 吕以东, 冯爱强
ZHANG Yanwu, LI Qinghui, YAN Wenjun, LU Yidong, FENG Aiqiang

病案报告(Case Report)

男性乳腺癌行腋窝及内乳前哨淋巴结活检术1 例
曹晓珊, 王春建, 刘雁冰, 邱鹏飞, 丛斌斌, 王永胜
CAO Xiaoshan, WANG Chunjian, LIU Yanbing, QIU Pengfei, CONG Binbin, WANG Yongsheng
甲状腺术后呼吸性碱中毒误诊为甲状旁腺损伤1 例
刘海涛, 韩刚, 陈莹莹, 孙学军
LIU Haitao, HAN Gang, CHEN Yingying, SUN Xuejun